1.Yoga Position: Beginner Chataranga Dandasana
2.Yoga Position: Beginner plank
3.Yoga Position: Beginner triangle 4.Yoga Position: Cat
5.Yoga Position: Chataranga Dandasana
6.Yoga Position: Cobra/Elbows bent 7.Yoga Position: Cow
8.Yoga Position: Downward dog 9.Yoga Position: Half down dog
10.Yoga Position: Plank
11.Yoga Position: Sphinx / Elbows on the floor
12.Yoga Position: Tree 13.Yoga Position: Upward facing dog
14.Yoga Position: Windmill
Yoga Position: Beginner Chataranga Dandasana
Yoga Position: Beginner Chataranga Dandasana.
From the beginner plank position, exhale and slowly lower down towards the floor, keeping the elbows pressed in towards the ribcage and the navel pulled in towards the spine. Keep the spine straight and the chin gently tucked in. Maintain this for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Strengthens the wrists, shoulders, abdominals, lower back and thighs. Tones internal organs and increases lung capacity while increasing the heat in the body. Increases isometric strength in the deltoid muscles. | |
Yoga Position: Beginner plank
Yoga Position: Beginner plank.
Place the hands underneath the shoulders, and spread the fingers and thumbs. Place the knees hip width apart and lift the feet off the floor. Pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Push evenly on both hands and keep the shoulders away from the ears.
Strengthens the wrists, shoulders, abdominals, lower back and thighs. Tones internal organs and increases lung capacity while increasing the heat in the body. Increases isometric strength in the deltoid muscles. | |
Yoga Position: Beginner triangle
Yoga Position: Beginner triangle.
Place the right toes facing forward and the left toes at a 45-degree angle. Keep both legs straight. Inhale reach your arms to the side exhale lower the right hand down and lift the left hand up, look up. Lift the right kneecap up, tuck the tailbone under, pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Keep the weight light on the right hand and keep reaching the left arm up towards the sky opening the chest. Lift the left hip up towards the sky. Lift the right kneecap up to contract the quadricep muscles to protect the knee. Feel as though the shoulders, hips, legs and head were against a wall. Externally rotate both the legs to open the groin muscles. Push evenly down through all four corners of the feet to energize the pose. Feel the body extending in five different directions, down through the feet, reaching out through the arms and extending through the crown.
Massages and tones the pelvic area. Improves flexibility of the hamstrings, quadratus lomborum, hips and back. Increases the strength of the feet, legs, hips and back. Improves the posture, digestion and elimination. Energizes the nervous system and strengthens the neck. | |
Yoga Position: Cat
Yoga Position: Cat.
Place the hands shoulder-width apart and the knees hip-width apart, tuck the toes under, exhale and tuck the tailbone under, round the spine and tuck the chin in. Push evenly through the hands and the knees and lift the upper back towards the sky.
The Cat releases tension in the cervical thoracic and lumbar spine while increasing mobility in the spine. This pose helps to release tension in the back body while toning the front body | | |
Yoga Position: Chataranga Dandasana
Yoga Position: Chataranga Dandasana.
From the plank position slowly lower the body down towards the floor and squeeze the elbows in towards the ribcage. Keep the navel pulled in towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Gently tuck the chin in and lengthen the cervical spine. Spread the fingers and thumbs and keep the shoulders away from the ears. Maintain this posture an inch off the floor for 5 to 10 breaths.
Strengthens the wrists, shoulders, abdominals, lower back and thighs. Tones internal organs and increases lung capacity while increasing the heat in the body. Increases isometric strength in the deltoid muscles. | |
Yoga Position: Cobra/Elbows bent
Yoga Position: Cobra/Elbows bent.
Lie on the floor prone. Place the big toes together and allow the heels to relax to the side. Soften the buttocks and the lower legs. Place the hands just behind the shoulders, inhale and lift the spine keeping the elbows bent and tucked in towards the ribcage. Only go as far as the hips will stay on the floor. Keep the shoulders down away from the ears and the chest open. Look forward or look up. Evenly press down through all fingers, palms and thumbs. Keep the lower legs relaxed. Maintain here for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Rejuvenates the spine and increases mobility in the lumbar and the thoracic spine. Tones the internal organs. Increases blood supply in the vertebrae and spine. | |
Yoga Position: Cow
Yoga Position: Cow.
Place the hands shoulder-width apart and the knees hip-width apart, tuck the toes under, arch the spine, lift the tailbone towards the sky, drop the belly down towards the floor look up release the lower jaw and open the chest.
The cow releases the lower back while increasing the flexibility of the lumbar spine. | |
Yoga Position: Downward dog
Yoga Position: Downward dog.
Place the feet hip-width apart, toes facing forward, place the hands shoulder-width apart, spread the fingers. Keep the tailbone lifted towards the sky and gently push down through the heels. Open the upper back by rotating the shoulder blades away from one another. Keep the shoulders away from the ears and press down firmly through all fingers and thumbs. Spread the fingers push down through index and thumbs. Place more weight onto the feet than the hands. Pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Drop the ribcage down towards the spine. Lift the kneecaps up and contract the quadricep muscles. Maintain in this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Stretches and lengthens the calves, hamstrings, lumbar spine. Strengthens the shoulders, wrists and abdominals. Helps prevent hot flashes during menopause. Slows down the heartbeat and energizes the body. | | |
Yoga Position: Half down dog
Yoga Position: Half down dog.
Place the knees hip-width apart tuck the toes under. Stretch the arms forward and lift the tailbone towards the sky. Relax the forehead on the floor and tilt the tailbone up towards the sky. Soften the face, neck and shoulders. Keep extending the arms forward and spread the fingers.
Relieves tension in shoulders, neck and spine. Increases mobility in the lumbar spine. Calms the mind and gently stimulates the nerves. Helps to prevent hot flashes during menopause. During pregnancy, helps to relieve lower back pain. Maintain in this posture for 5 to 10 deep slow breaths. | |
Yoga Position: Plank
Yoga Position: Plank.
Place the hands shoulder-width apart and the feet hip-width apart. Spread the fingers and the thumbs. Bring the head in alignment with the spine and gently tuck the chin in, look to the floor. Tuck the tailbone under and pull the navel towards the spine lifting the pelvic floor muscles. Keep the thighs engaged and push away from the floor with the hands. Maintain this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Strengthens the wrists, shoulders, abdominals, lower back and thighs. Tones internal organs and increases lung capacity while increasing the heat in the body. | | |
Yoga Position: Sphinx / Elbows on the floor
Yoga Position: Sphinx / Elbows on the floor .
Lie on the floor place the elbows on the floor, palms flat. Bring the big toes together and allow the heels to relax to the side. Relax the buttocks and the lower legs inhale softly lift up onto the elbows and look forward or up. Make sure the elbows are underneath the shoulders and the fingers are spread. Keep the shoulders down away from the ears and the chest open. Maintain here for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Rejuvenates the spine and increases mobility in the lumbar and the thoracic spine. Tones the internal organs. Increases blood supply into the vertebrae and spine. | |
Yoga Position: Tree
Yoga: Tree.
Begin in mountain pose Tadasana, feet hip-width apart, spread the toes and lift the kneecaps. Shift the weight over to the right side and slowly lift the left leg and place the sole of the foot to the inside of the ankle, knee or inner thigh. Find an object in front of you to focus on. Pull the opposite knee and hip open away from one another. Gently push the left foot into the right thigh and the right thigh into the left foot. Hold this for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Improves balance, focus and concentration. Strengthens the ankle, knee and hip stabilizers. Steadies the nerves and calms the mind | |
Yoga Position: Upward facing dog
Yoga Position: Upward facing dog.
Lie prone on the floor and place the hands behind the shoulders and the big toes together. Inhale push evenly down through your hands and lift the chest up keeping the hips gently pushing down towards the floor. Relax the buttocks and the legs. Lift the hips and thighs off the floor, pushing the tops of the feet into the ground. Roll the shoulders back and down, keep the shoulders away from the ears. Look up, relax the face, release the lower jaw. Strongly push down through all four fingers, palms and thumbs, keep the arms straight. Remain here for 5 to 10 breaths.
Rejuvenates the spine increasing blood supply to the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine. Strengthens wrists, arms and shoulders. Strengthens the lungs by increasing lung capacity. | | |
Yoga Position: Windmill
Yoga Position: Windmill.
Place the feet wide apart, big toes facing in, toes facing out. Press down through the right hand and lift the left arm towards the sky, look straight ahead or look up. Lift the tailbone towards the sky and push down through all four corners of the feet. Lift the kneecaps up by contracting the quadricep muscles. Maintain a straight spine and keep the legs straight but not locked. Maintain this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Massages and tones the internal organs. Tones the oblique musculature. Strengthens the legs and increases the abductor, hamstrings and groin musculature. | |