1.Yoga: Cow face
2.Yoga: (Alternate) Supine abductor stretch with strap
3.Yoga: Advance Egyptian Step. Elbowgrip. (4)
4.Yoga: Advanced pigeon.
5.Yoga: Advanced preparation poise for warrior three
6.Yoga: Advanced side angle stretch.
7.Yoga: Advanced standing wide leg forward fold with blocks
8.Yoga: Advanced triangle with block.
9.Yoga: Advanced warrior three.
10.Yoga: Angle child's pose.
Yoga: Cow face.
Yoga: Cow face.
Begin in a sitting position place the left heel beside the right hip and the right leg over top of the left knee. The right foot is by the left hip. Stack the knees on top of one another. Both sitting bones down on the floor extend the spine and work the crown towards the sky. Interlock the fingers and place the palms on top of the right thigh gently pushing down towards the floor. Breath here for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side. Once the hips have become open, inhale and reach the right arm up towards the sky, bend the right elbow. Now place the left hand behind the back and either interlock the fingers or use a strap. Lift the right elbow up towards the sky and roll the left shoulder back and down opening the shoulder joint. Inhale and lengthen the spine, exhale slowly move the chest over top of the thigh and move the chin over top of the knee. Relax the head down, keep the elbows moving away from one another. Stay in the pose for 5 to 15 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Increases the flexibility, mobility and circulation of the ankles, knees, hips. Increases the flexibility deeply in the hip area, which helps to release any lower back tension. Improves digestion and elimination. Stretches internal and external rotator cuff, triceps and shoulders | |
Yoga: (Alternate) Supine abductor stretch with strap
Yoga: (Alternate) Supine abductor stretch with strap.
Begin by lying flat on the floor legs extended. Place the strap to the insole of the right foot. Inhale and lift the leg up towards the sky coming into the supine one leg hamstring stretch. Flex the foot, contract the quadricep muscles and exhale slowly allow the right leg to extend over to the left side holding the strap in the left hand. If this is too much of a stretch and you need to support the leg, place one or two bricks underneath the right calf. Keep the right shoulder, arm and hand connected to the floor. Keep the right leg straight and lined with the hip. Look to the right and keep the right foot flexed.
Deeply stretches the hip, hamstring, calf, lower back, shoulder and chest. Opens the musculature around the iliotibial band. Helps to relieve knee pain and back pain. Massages the internal organs. Tones the musculature in the spine. | |
Yoga: Advance Egyptian Step. Elbowgrip.
Yoga: Advance Egyptian Step. Elbowgrip. (4).
Start in Tadasana mountain pose, walk the right foot forward and step the left foot back. Point both the shoulders and hips forward and grab onto the opposite elbows behind your back. Spread the toes lift the right kneecap up. Push evenly and down through all four corners of the feet, lengthen the spine and softly tuck the chin in to lengthen the cervical vertebrae. Roll the shoulders back and down to open the chest. Take 2 to 5 deep breaths here and repeat on the other side. Lift the right hip up and back and exhale slowly, reach forward from the hips maintaining a straight spine. Go deeper into the pose until you feel a stretch in right hamstring. Hold the pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths. | | |
Yoga: Advanced pigeon.
Yoga: Advanced pigeon.
Place the right knee forward and extend the left leg back. Make sure that the right toes are facing in on an angle and the left toes are pointed and facing down. Place the hands on either sides of the knee and shift the weight over to the left while lengthening the spine. Square the hips and the shoulders. Move the right foot away from the groin working towards a 90-degree angle with the right calf. The right hip may or may not be connected the floor. The left hip is facing down towards the floor. If there is too much pressure in the knee, readjust the calf. Replace this posture with the modified pigeon. Inhale and lengthen the spine, exhale and lower down onto the elbows maintaining the weight shift over to the left hip. Rock from side to side to help to increase the circulation in the hip joint. Only if you are incredibly flexible in the hip, start to work your chest down to the floor extending your arms out in front of you. The left hip, thigh, calf and top of foot is facing towards the floor. Relax the head, neck, shoulders and face. Breathe into the hip and back body. Relax in this pose for 5 to 15 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side. Glide the left arm underneath, palm facing towards the sky and sweep the right arm around resting the hand onto the lower back. Look up towards the sky. Keep working the left shoulder open towards the sky.
Increases the mobility and flexibility of the ankle, knee, glute, piriformis, hip flexor, lower back and groin musculature. Helps to alleviate lower back pain. Tones and massages the internal organs. Calms and quiets the mind. Improves digestion and elimination | | |
Yoga: Advanced preparation poise for warrior three
Yoga: Advanced preparation poise for warrior three.
Place the right foot forward and the left side back. Place the hands on the blocks exhale reaching forward from the hips, keeping a straight spine. Spread the left toes on the floor and push all four corners of the foot down. Tuck the chin in and lengthen the cervical vertebrae, pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Keep both hips squared towards the floor. | |
Yoga: Advanced side angle stretch.
Yoga: Advanced side angle stretch.
Bend your right knee until it forms a right angle, wrap your right hand underneath the right leg and reach your left arm behind the body interconnecting the fingers. Keep the right knee at 90-degree angle and straighten the back leg pressing the outside of the foot into the floor. Keep the tailbone tucked under, pull the navel in towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Open the left shoulder up towards the sky and look up. Keep all four corners of the feet pressing down into the floor. Do not allow the chest to collapse forward or lean on the right leg. Use the strength in the legs to support the pose. Maintain in this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Increases the strength of the ankles, thighs, hips and back. Increases the flexibility of the intercostal muscles. Stretches the lateral fibers of the spin. Specifically, the quadratus lumborum. Opens the chest and shoulders and increases lung capacity. Stimulates digestion. | | |
Yoga: Advanced standing wide leg forward fold with blocks
Yoga: Advanced standing wide leg forward fold with blocks.
Place the feet wide apart, big toes facing in, heels gently turning out. Lift the toes and spread the toes wide on the floor, lift the kneecaps up to contract the quadricep muscles and lift the tailbone up towards the sky. Place the hands on the blocks, tuck the chin in to lengthen the cervical vertebra. Keep a straight spine and gently work the feet down towards the floor as the tailbone lifts towards the sky. Maintain this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Increases the flexibility of the abductors, groin and hamstring muscles. Alleviates lower-back pain. Tones the legs and strengthens the ankles. Calms the mind and increases the blood circulation to the lower legs and spine. Helps to increase the energy in the second chakra. | |
Yoga: Advanced triangle with block
Yoga: Advanced triangle with block.
Place the right toes facing forward and the left toes at a 45-degree angle. Keep both legs straight. Inhale reach your arms to the side exhale lower the right hand down and lift the left hand up, look up. Lift the right kneecap up, tuck the tailbone under, pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Keep the weight light on the right hand and keep reaching the left arm up towards the sky opening the chest. Lift the left hip up towards the sky. Lift the right kneecap up to contract the quadricep muscles to protect the knee. Feel as though the shoulders, hips, legs and head were against a wall. Externally rotate both the legs to open the groin muscles. Push evenly down through all four corners of the feet to energize the pose. Feel the body extending in five different directions, down through the feet, reaching out through the arms and extending through the crown.
Massages and tones the pelvic area. Improves flexibility of the hamstrings, quadratus lomborum, hips and back. Increases the strength of the feet, legs, hips and back. Improves the posture, digestion and elimination. Energizes the nervous system and strengthens the neck. | | |
Yoga: Advanced warrior three.
Yoga: Advanced warrior three.
Place the right foot forward and slowly lift the left leg behind you, extend the arms forward bringing the chest and leg parallel to the floor. Pull the navel towards the spine, pull up through pelvic floor muscles and maintain the hips parallel to the floor. Gently pull the shoulders away from the ears while keeping the arms straight. Keep your eyes focused at one point, gently tucking the chin in and lengthening the cervical vertebrae. Keep the right toes spread on the floor and push down to all four corners of the foot. Maintain in this poise for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Strengthens the ankle, knee and hip stabilizers. Strengthens the thigh, glutes, lower back and abdominals. Improves balance, focus and concentration. | |
Yoga: Angle child's pose.
Yoga: Angle child's pose.
Come into a kneeling position sitting on the heels. Inhale and lengthen the spine exhale and slowly lower the chest down towards the thighs and extend the arms straight ahead. Rest the head, the arms and the hips down towards the floor. Keep the arms straight and relax the face. If you can't reach your sitting bones towards the heels, place a pillow in between the sitting bones and the heels. If the head doesn't quite reach the floor, place a pillow between the forehead and the floor. Stay in this child's pose with the arms forward for 5 breaths. Now slowly walk the hands over to the right extending the left arm and fingers away bringing the body into a u-shape. Place more of the weight over to the left hip. Feel the stretch all along the left side of the body. Keep the hips working down towards the heels, the arms straight and relax the face. Stay here for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Centers and calms the mind. Enhances lung capacity. Improves the flexibility of the intercostal muscles/the muscles between the ribcage. Stretches the latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum and obliques. Loosens the hips, lower back, upper back and ankles. Helps to alleviate back pain. Improves posture. Stimulates and improves digestion. | | |